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HOME >> PRODUCTS >>ALPS ALPINE >>Sensors >>Alps Geomagnetic Sensors >> Geomagnetic Sensors HSCDTD008A
Product Detail

Geomagnetic Sensors HSCDTD008A

  • Size

  • 1.6×1.6×0.65mm
    8pin LGA

  • Measurement range

  • ±2.4mT

  • Current consumption

  • 60μA typ. (active)
    3μA typ. (standby)

  • Operating voltage

    • AVDD: Drive voltage

    • +1.7 to +3.6V

  • DVDD_io: Drive voltage

  • +1.65 to AVDD

  • Operating temperature range

  • -40℃ to +85℃

  • Output resolution

  • 0.15μT/LSB

  • Interface

  • I²C

  • Minimum order unit(pcs.)

    • Japan

    • 3,000

Telephone contact
  • Description


Packing Specifications


  • Number of packages (pcs.)

    • 1 reel

    • 3,000

    • 1 case / Japan

    • 3,000

    • 1 case / export packing

    • 45,000

  • Tape width (mm)

  • 8

  • Export package measurements (mm)

  • 210×210×230

Notes are common to this series/models

  1. This site catalog shows only outline specifications. When using the products, please obtain formal specifications for supply.

  2. Place your purchase order in N minimum package units (N: integer).

  3. Azimuth accuracy (margin of error) may be influenced by environmental conditions and other devices.

Adress:  #17-04 Clifford Centre, 24 Raffles PL, Singapore 048621

Phone:   0065-9038-6025    

E-mail:  sgdk@dekang.hk

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